Why Not Choose Low Cost Hair Clinics?

Hair Transplant is a complex and risky procedure that must be done with good and experienced hands of surgeons. The hair transplant cost in Ahmedabad is affected by ‘the how much experience a surgeon has and how many surgeries he has performed with successful results.’ Costing would be higher in case if you choose a hair surgeon having an immense level of experience in the field.

People are often caught by such ads and offers such as 10 rs per hair graft or cheap hair transplant, or hair transplant at very low cost. Now, this could be dangerous for your hairs if you opt for such clinics. It's better you ignore such offers and ads to prevent side effects after the hair transplant surgery.

Choosing low-cost hair clinics might be very risky for you, in below lines we would clear it up that what circumstances you can possibly face if you get a hair transplant done for such low-cost clinics.

Scar that can't be Healed-
In FUT (Follicular Unit Transplantation) a tissue is removed from the back part of the scalp that contains donors hairs. This tissue removal leaves a scar behind. It is important that the surgeon closes the suture with right stitching technique so later it can be healed properly. Cheap clinics do have inexperienced surgeons who can make mistakes in surgery and in the result, you may face a scar sign for a lifetime at the back head.

Displacement of Hair Grafts-
For successful surgery results, it is important that the transition rate after hair transplant is higher in numbers. Normally good surgeons have a rate of 95-98%. Such rate is only possible when hair grafts or follicles are placed at the right place so later their hair growth can take place. If the hair grafts are not placed properly then there might be a risk of destruction of hair grafts. If you choose low-cost hair clinic, this could be a situation you may face as graft placement is the most important task in hair transplant procedure, if it went well then your results would be great and if not, your donor's hairs are wasted. So better you choose a good hair transplant clinic.

Side Effects after Hair Transplant-
There are possible side effects of hair transplant such as swelling, itching, scar, bleeding and more. If the hair surgery went well then they can be prevented with right medication but if surgeons do not perform the surgery properly then these side effects can take an extreme phase. Like if the scar is not stitched properly then you can face extreme bleeding and a lot of swelling all over the scalp and facial areas like eyes, ears and forehead. Right medication can prevent such issues but in normal cases. These issues can be extreme due to bad transplant surgery that is the results of choosing a hair surgeon who has less or no experience.

So, these could be the various situation one can face if he chooses for low-cost hair clinic. For getting good results after hair transplant it is important to choose a great hair surgeon who has expertise in the field and who is well known and also certified. Yes, hair transplant cost in Ahmedabad may vary from surgeon to surgeon and there are also some other factors which play an important role in cost such as numbers of hairs required, complexity, place of surgeon and more. At the end avoid low-cost hair transplant clinics, and choose a great one.


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